New Version!

This is the original 2009 version of this handbook and quite a few parts are outdated. There is a new version available at if you want to get more up-to-date information

Go to the new version


Thanks for reading this and hopefully I managed to give you some ideas how to approach developer evangelism.

I've been working as a full-time developer evangelist for about a year now and I have to say that although I put in about 50 hours a week it never feels like work. It is a great feeling to have about your job, wouldn't you agree?

I have to thank some people and institutions who got me on the way to be what I am today:

  • The Yahoo Developer Network for giving me free reign in becoming a full-time evangelist.
  • My colleagues at Yahoo for building great stuff to play with and asking me to explain things to them.
  • Matrix 42 and their amazing Exceptional Learning Facilitator (ELF) training programme which made me a much better trainer.
  • Paris Web, The Ajax Experience, Ajax World, Web Directions, Future of Web Apps, Flask Forum Konferenz, Accessibility 2.0, Braillenet Paris, Highland Fling, European Accessibility Forum, Fronteers, Webmaster Jam Session and all the other conferences that invited me as a speaker.
  •, A List Apart, Digital Web, Think Vitamin, Sitepoint and all the other online magazines I got published at.
  • WebAxe, Boagworld, Technikwuerze and other podcasts I was featured in.
  • .net, Practical Web Design, Internet Magazin and the other print magazines that published interviews and articles.
  • thelist, CSS Discuss, microformats, Google Page Speed, Twitter development, Webdesign-L and all the other mailing lists I had lots of conversations and confrontations on over the years.
  • Apress, Friends of Ed, O'Reilly, Sitepoint, Packt and other publishers that either published my books or had me as a technical editor.
  • Far too many individuals to mention - you know who you are, we chat on Twitter, IM and emails all the time.

If I forgot somebody or some important institution, I am sorry, but it is late and I am tired :)

Chris Heilmann